Friday, November 9, 2012

The Evolution of Ears

The other day I was thinking to myself "I wonder where my 'Desiring God' book is?"  So I went on a minor escapade to find it.  Since we lived in a rental house for 2 years while we were building The Village, then only moved into our house here a few weeks before our return to the States, we still have quite a few boxes that haven't been unpacked since 2009.

I am happy to report success in discovering my Piper books, along with a half dozen other boxes filled with Ryrie, Hamm, BDAG, commentaries, etc...  Papa Revival is pretty excited to dig into the books too.

I also made a fantastic discovery - the Faith Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary Student Directories from 1999-2002.  This book was generally referred to as the Hog Log, for reasons that shall remain undefined...except for the following bit of folklore-
Q:  Three Faith girls, a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead, are standing on the gym.  Which one falls first?
A:  The gym.
(I can pass on such a joke since I am happily and proudly married to a Faith alumnus)

Amber and I haven't looked through these books since Judd Pietsch came to visit us in 2009.  I'd forgotten how much fun it is.

Amber (Litke) in 1999

Yours Truly in 1999
By far the best and most exciting rediscovery is the pictures of my beloved brother, Tony.  Here's a photo collage, one from each year.  I've titled it "Uncle Tony - The De-evolution of Ears"

Tony 1999

Tony 2000

Tony 2001

Tony 2002

I also want to congratulate Tony and Theresa on the birth of their fourth child, Riley Louis O'Tool.  He is a handsome little guy and is blessed with awesome parents, a great older brother and two lovely sisters who will be sure to have a big influence in his life.