Thursday, October 31, 2013

Progress on House #3

Here at Restoring Hope Village there is some progress being made on our 3rd Children's House.  It is nearing completion and it is exciting to see this get closer to being ready to receive new children.  There are just a few more plumbing and electrical things to get settled, along with the always aggravating odds and ends that must be completed and seem to take forever sometimes.  Anyone who has ever built or remodeled a house knows what I'm talking about there:-)  

The kitchen:  Still waiting on some final details, including lights and the table/counter that the kids eat at

The bathroom: almost ready, just some final plumbing hookups and some touch up work

The bedrooms:  Waiting on curtains, beds and furnishings, along with those nagging final details

Please pray that it will be ready soon, that we will find godly houseparents to come together along with us, and that God will be preparing the children who will come live here.

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